Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A Lovely present! (Special Post)

Haha, got a really good Bday present yesterday!!!!

I had never received such a present in my life before!

( ^_^ )


真実を識る者 - Teaching in Ecclesiastes

Today is my 28th Birthday.....

I looked back of what I have done over these 28 years... I had spent my time and effort on my studying, to build up my status and reputation at work & amongst my friends, I had tried to maintain my relationship and to secure my future.....

Believe it or not, that is what I read from the bible last night:

後 來 我 察 看 我 手 所 經 營 的 一 切 事 、 和 我 勞 碌 所 成 的 功 . 誰 知 都 是 虛 空 、 都 是 捕 風 、 在 日 光 之 下 毫 無 益 處 。
Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that I had laboured to do: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun.

Ecclesiastes 2:11

Almost a straight conclusion of my first 28 years? ( >_< )

Haha, don't take me wrong, I am not upset at all - it is always good to discover the problem at an early (?!....) stage!

When I read on, God gave me this verse as my birthday present, which I would like to share with you all...
他 不 多 思 念 自 己 一 生 的 年 日 . 因 為   神 應 他 的 心 使 他 喜 樂 。

( ^_^ )

It is more important to live a meaningful life!
Let us always live with joy!

Monday, June 26, 2006

星の鼓動は愛 - The Power of Love

愛 情 、 眾 水 不 能 息 滅 、 大 水 也 不 能 淹 沒 .
若 有 人 拿 家 中 所 有 的 財 寶 要 換 愛 情 、 就 全 被 藐 視 。
Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it:
if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.
雅 歌 Song of Songs 8:7

That was what I read from the bible last night - and I was very touched by what it says.

愛 情 、 眾 水 不 能 息 滅 、 大 水 也 不 能 淹 沒 - I have never been successful in my relationships - and I know that was because I had not fully understood what "LOVE" is really about. Nowaday we all forgot the importance about the commitments and efforts we need to put in to develop a relationship. A real strong and longlasting relationship would not be threatened by any situations!

若 有 人 拿 家 中 所 有 的 財 寶 要 換 愛 情 、 就 全 被 藐 視 - in the past, I always thought I was doing a great job in the relationship by spending a lot of time, money and effort in getting some nice presents; I tried to work hard to secure my career so I could secure our future.

AND I was so wrong!

[Haha, as usual, the answers are always in the bible!]

v( ^0^ )v

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

運命の悪戯 - the Real Blessing

About 2 weeks ago, someone raised the question on:

"why do we need to go through so many hardship in our lives?"

I may not be able to give an official answer to this question, but I think it may be good to share out my view in my Blog!

This question actually reminds me of what I read from chapter 31 of "Purpose Driven Life". There was a section "Employing your Experiences", and it said,

"God never wastes a hurt! In fact your greatest ministry will most likely come out of your greatest hurt. Who could better minister to the parents of a Down syndrome child than another couple who have a child afflicted in the same way?"

I have found that God really has used occasion / environment / situation to mold me again and again in my life, especially my family experience, ministry experiences and, painful experiences.....

God being the creator, HE really knows what can change us most..... and I really thank God for letting all these experience to change me and draw me closer to HIM. I thank God for giving me the chance to experience these hurts - as I know God really wants me to support people who might be going through the same problems!

我 們 在 一 切 患 難 中 、 他 就 安 慰 我 們 、 叫 我 們 能 用   神 所 賜 的 安 慰 、 去 安 慰 那 遭 各 樣 患 難 的 人 。
歌 林 多 後 書 1:4

Let us always praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
V( ^O^ )V

Monday, June 19, 2006

ジェミニ カノン - 悔改 of the Sinner (Part 2)

When I was reading the passage about 悔改, it reminded me of Kanon - Saga's brother....

This is one of the first scene of Saint Seiya Hades Chapter:
海 龍 加 隆 已 經 向 雅 典 娜 懺 悔 了 自 己 的 罪 , 並 且 希 望 加 入 守 護 聖 域 的 聖 戰 。 他 得 到 沙 織 的 原 諒 及 許 可 , 用 幻 像 守 護 雙 子 宮 。
不 過 米 羅 還 未 原 諒 加 隆 在 波 士 頓 一 役 的 所 作 所 為 , 以 深 紅 色 磁 針 攻 擊 加 隆 。 當 米 羅 把 十 四 針 擊 中 加 隆 時 發 覺 他 未 有 反 抗 , 看 出 他 是 真 心 悔 改 的 , 於 是 點 了 加 隆 的 真 央 點 為 他 止 血 , 同 時 承 認 他 是 雅 典 娜 的 雙 子 座 黃 金 聖 鬥 士 。

How often do we give "second chances" to people who had done wrong.....?

And I want to thank God and everyone who gave me second chances in my life!

Friday, June 09, 2006

ジェミニ カノン - 悔改 of the Sinner (Part 1)

Got a really meaningful passage last week:

悔 改
悔改是文字裏最富積極意義的其中一詞。施洗約翰的講道重心 是悔改






Have our lives really been changed.....?

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

世代交代 - to refresh ourselves

That is a message I received a few months ago.... I would like to give that to everyone as a gift as it is the church's "Prayer Week"!

禱告就是屬靈的呼吸。我們都懂甚麼叫作呼,甚麼叫作吸。呼是把我們的碳氣呼出去,吸是把我們外面的氧氣吸進來。這是就著我們呼吸空氣說的。照 樣,禱告也是把我們原有的東西都呼出去,把神的東西都吸進來。凡我們所原有的,都好像是碳氣,凡神所有的,都好像是氧氣。我們的禱告,就是把我們一切 不該有的都呼出去,而把神的一切都吸進來。

This message is really meaningful to me - I never thought of prayers this way, but it is a very good analogy!

I remember when I learned diving and swimming, I was taught how to breath in the water - and actually the key is to breath out!!!!!! Without breathing out we will not be able to take in any more fresh airs ( >o< )

Without breathing out the old/bad things/problems/burdens, we cannot breath in the spiritual fruit/gift/God's way!!!!!!!!

It reminded me of how God lead me through the difficult time over the last few months.

Over the last few months, I had so many things that burdens me....... I couldn't focus on anything - my work, play, eat, virtually anything......

And one night, before I slept, I tried to have a read on the bible, but again - I really couldn't concentrate.
Then I made a prayer - I told God everything in my mind without any reservation at all...... because I really can't hold the problems to myself anymore and God is really the only one I can rely on.

After the prayer - I really felt refreshed and recovered!!!! Y( ^O^ )Y

Next time when you are stuck with problems - make a prayer!

Monday, June 05, 2006

待機命令 - Waiting for God's Guidance

Patience and Obedience - it has never been a easy task for me......

For the people who know me more than 3 years, they would all know that, in the past, I could never be ruled over by anyone... No matter if the one giving me the instruction is my mum, my boss, or.... even if that is God....

I always did things in my own way, because I was so confident that I thought all the problems could be solved with my own ability, and I could never be patient either - I thought I could always speed up things by doing them in a better way....

and of course....... I ended up......... ( >_< )

Again, God has already set an example for us in the bible.... Just I never spent some time reading it....

Genesis 8:8-16

他 又 放 出 一 隻 鴿 子 去 、 要 看 看 水 從 地 上 退 了 沒 有 。
但 遍 地 上 都 是 水 、 鴿 子 找 不 著 落 腳 之 地 、 就 回 到 方 舟 挪 亞 那 裡 、 挪 亞 伸 手 把 鴿 子 接 進 方 舟 來 。
他 又 等 了 七 天 、 再 把 鴿 子 從 方 舟 放 出 去 .
到 了 晚 上 、 鴿 子 回 到 他 那 裡 、 嘴 裡 叼 著 一 個 新 擰 下 來 的 橄 欖 葉 子 、 挪 亞 就 知 道 地 上 的 水 退 了 。
他 又 等 了 七 天 、 放 出 鴿 子 去 、 鴿 子 就 不 再 回 來 了 。
到 挪 亞 六 百 零 一 歲 、 正 月 初 一 日 、 地 上 的 水 都 乾 了 . 挪 亞 撤 去 方 舟 的 蓋 觀 看 、 便 見 地 面 上 乾 了 。 到 了 二 月 二 十 七 日 、 地 就 都 乾 了 。 神 對 挪 亞 說 、 你 和 你 的 妻 子 、 兒 子 、 兒 婦 、 都 可 以 出 方 舟 。

I was very touched when I read it - even though Noah knew the land was dry, he didn't leave the Ark. When Noah saw the land was dry, he didn't leave the Ark. Noah only left the Ark when God told him to do so!

How often do you think you are in an unbearable environment/situation for too long? And you just want to go out of it?

Have you ever felt that you have enough "reasons" to go ahead with what you want?

Now I always remind myself, pray for HIS guidance, with patience, faith and hope!!!!!

I do have faith in God that God really loves us and will prepare the best things to happen at the best timings!!!!
Y( ^0^ )Y

Thursday, June 01, 2006

退路の確保 - the "back-up plan"?

Last night I went to the prayer meeting - and Pastor Siu asked a very good question:

What does a prayer mean to us?

Do we always keep "prayer" as a priority in our lives? OR, simply it is a "Plan B" when we can't acheive our goals by our own means?