星の鼓動は愛 - The Power of Love

愛 情 、 眾 水 不 能 息 滅 、 大 水 也 不 能 淹 沒 .
若 有 人 拿 家 中 所 有 的 財 寶 要 換 愛 情 、 就 全 被 藐 視 。
Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it:
if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.
雅 歌 Song of Songs 8:7
That was what I read from the bible last night - and I was very touched by what it says.
愛 情 、 眾 水 不 能 息 滅 、 大 水 也 不 能 淹 沒 - I have never been successful in my relationships - and I know that was because I had not fully understood what "LOVE" is really about. Nowaday we all forgot the importance about the commitments and efforts we need to put in to develop a relationship. A real strong and longlasting relationship would not be threatened by any situations!
若 有 人 拿 家 中 所 有 的 財 寶 要 換 愛 情 、 就 全 被 藐 視 - in the past, I always thought I was doing a great job in the relationship by spending a lot of time, money and effort in getting some nice presents; I tried to work hard to secure my career so I could secure our future.
AND I was so wrong!
[Haha, as usual, the answers are always in the bible!]
v( ^0^ )v
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