Tuesday, May 23, 2006

シロッコの眼 - the "Perfect Plan"

箴 言 Proverbs

16:9 人 心 籌 算 自 己 的 道 路 . 惟 耶 和 華 指 引 他 的 腳 步

A man may make designs for his way, but the Lord is the guide of his steps.

It actually took me a few days to decide what I should write about as my first official sharing - I am the sort of person who makes decision only after having a series of calculation and analysis.

Then this verse from the bible came up - why is it taking me so long just to make a decision on the topic - there are too many "plans" in my heart!

What could be better than sharing my favorite verse? ( ^u^ )

I used to think that I can secure everything in my life with my own hands - by achieving my pre-set goals one by one.

In Chinese, we love to say people who are able to make the right choices are people with 好眼光. I used to believe I can path my own way - I can always make the right decision and choices after all the analysis.

It will probably take another 100 pages to write down what happened in the last 10 years - I rather jump straight to my conclusion:

主 耶 和 華 以 色 列 的 聖 者 曾 如 此 說 、 你 們 得 救 在 乎 歸 回 安 息 . 你 們 得 力 在 乎 平 靜 安 穩 . 你 們 竟 自 不 肯 .

The answer has always been in the bible.......

TIME TO START A NEW LIFE - 作 耶 和 華 眼 中 所 看 為 好 的!!

Y( ^O^ )Y


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