世代交代 - to refresh ourselves

That is a message I received a few months ago.... I would like to give that to everyone as a gift as it is the church's "Prayer Week"!
禱告就是屬靈的呼吸。我們都懂甚麼叫作呼,甚麼叫作吸。呼是把我們的碳氣呼出去,吸是把我們外面的氧氣吸進來。這是就著我們呼吸空氣說的。照 樣,禱告也是把我們原有的東西都呼出去,把神的東西都吸進來。凡我們所原有的,都好像是碳氣,凡神所有的,都好像是氧氣。我們的禱告,就是把我們一切 不該有的都呼出去,而把神的一切都吸進來。
This message is really meaningful to me - I never thought of prayers this way, but it is a very good analogy!
I remember when I learned diving and swimming, I was taught how to breath in the water - and actually the key is to breath out!!!!!! Without breathing out we will not be able to take in any more fresh airs ( >o< )
Without breathing out the old/bad things/problems/burdens, we cannot breath in the spiritual fruit/gift/God's way!!!!!!!!
It reminded me of how God lead me through the difficult time over the last few months.
Over the last few months, I had so many things that burdens me....... I couldn't focus on anything - my work, play, eat, virtually anything......
And one night, before I slept, I tried to have a read on the bible, but again - I really couldn't concentrate.
Then I made a prayer - I told God everything in my mind without any reservation at all...... because I really can't hold the problems to myself anymore and God is really the only one I can rely on.
After the prayer - I really felt refreshed and recovered!!!! Y( ^O^ )Y
Next time when you are stuck with problems - make a prayer!
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