Friday, January 05, 2007

刻の涙 - 邁向成熟!

A very touching article by a pastor I read 2 days ago, really do mean a lot to me.






第三個是正上了山頂的人,他體會到人生到了頂峰其實一無所有! 酋長就把職位交了給他,因他是對生命真正有所體驗,有所了解的人。


Very interesting article........

People who know me well enough would know that I always talk about problems I can foresee - I don't enjoy "predicting" the future, especially I think it is pointless to find out the good news beforehand - isn't it great to find out about the good news when it comes? ( ^_^ )

Instead, throughout my life, I realise life is tough - honestly. And more importantly, when we try to climb up (in our career, in our relationships, in our social status), you would realise although everythings good at the beginning, when you reach the end, THERE IS NOTHING THERE, BUT HURTS YOU ACQUIRED IN ORDER TO CLIMB UP TO THE TOP!

But when I look back, this is certainly a lesson God wants us to learn - and these hurts and experiences are opportunities for us to experience God's Love together, and to touch each others' heart by sharing them.

Let us all have faith in God and face the challenges together!
