Thursday, March 29, 2007

開く扉 - Answer

Happen to watch the TVB program 寫意人生 after dinner last night, and I found the following part quite interesting........

It was started off with the guy on his way to airport - he's about to fly off to Japan to give his GF a surpirse for her birthday.

Sunddenly the phone rang and it's a long-distance 3G (視像) call from her GF - she was dressed in 婚紗.....

their conversation:

Guy: you helping out as a part-time model?

Gal: No - I am getting married tomorrow....

Guy: haha, so will I be invited to the banquet? (the guy thought his GF was joking)

Gal: I am serious, I am trying the clothes for my wedding tomorrow. With Leo....

Guy: What?!?! The guy you met in Paris?

Gal: Yes - and he loves me, and Leo treasures me!

Guy: I treasure you too! I talk to you over the webcam every night, I try my best to meet you up and have dinner with you.

Gal: No - you don't treasures me - you treasures work (and also friends in my case?) more than me! You always leave half-way through the dinner and head back to work!

Guy: NO, and I can prove it! Look at what I got in my hands - air ticket to Japan! I put down my work and get a few days holiday to celebrate your birthday with you!

Gal: Too late - you didn't care in my previous birthdays..........

Guy: Trust me, I do treasure you more than everything!

Gal: Yes, you treasure me, but you also treasure work. Leo, all he treasures is me.

Guy: No, listen to me!

Gal: You are such a selfish bastard, you just can't face the fact you are losing!!! You are such a disapointment! Leo is so much better comparing with you! All that is in his mind is me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was caught by this conversation - it's quite interesting that the girl did not complain about anything about this guy (such as appearance, work, money), nor did she claimed the guy is not loving her enough - her only complaint is - she is not "all that he cares"! What she is really asking for is "full attention"!

Haha, seems to understand girls a little bit better.........

(Feel free to comment!)
( ^o^ )Y

Thursday, March 22, 2007

アイナ・サハリン ペンダントウォッチ - Linkage of SAKHALIN

Really want to share with all my dear friends - something I bought in Japan.

Some background of this "pedal watch"......





The pedal watch was "lent" to シロー by アイナ when they worked together in the broken ship.
I still remember when I was watching this OVA, I thought, "Ha, how good it would be if this pocket watch can be produced in real life - I will buy it at all cost!"

While I was surfing on the net last year, I was actually very surprised that Bandai really did it!
When I saw it in Tokyo, I know there are no more excuses......


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

氷上の死闘 - Hokkaido (Part 2)!

Although the Hokkaido Trip was great, there are actually some more interesting (!!?!?!?!?) experiences that I got to share with you all...

Out of the 7 days there, there were four incidents that we could have taken a short cut to meet with our Heavenly Father:

Danger case 1:

Our van slipped on the road - almost fell down from the cliff......

Lucky - no cars were following us or from the opposite road........ otherwise we could have been hit and slipped down the cliff!.

Danger case 2:

Our van went onto the wrong lan and almost crashed into the car coming from the opposite direction!

Lucky - we realised it early enough, and we found an exit to the correct lane before we smashed!!!!!

Danger case 3:

Due to the "reliable" GPS, our van went on a "blocked road" and ended up stuck in snow.......

Lucky - we are in fact only about 5 mins driving away from our destination, and we are able to walk there and seek help!
(lucky 2 - we are well trained by ah Lok and we were able to walk 45 mins in the snow, uphill, to get there! And the staffs there were very kind and helpful!)

Danger case 4:

Our van has a car crash on the final day........!!

We ended up in the police station.......!!

Lucky 1 - all the cars involved in the crash were at exceptionally low speed

Lucky 2 - it happened on the last day so it had relatively small impact on our plan....... just no seafood and crab as my breakfast! (...>o<)

Lucky 3 - as we had to leave for our flight, I guess the whole thing was actually sorted out relatively quickly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The real lucky thing is........ we are still alive!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really need to thank God for protecting our lives!!!!!!!!!

一時休戦 - Trip to Hokkaido! (Part 1)

Despite the difficult time over the last 2 months, there is certainly one good thing worth mentioning - my trip to Hokkaido!!!!!!!!

Going to Hokkaido has been my dream since I was about 10 years old. I always hope one day I can get myself in one of those open-space Onsen under the snow, then having unlimited seafood as my dinner!

( ^p^ )

I guess my dream has eventually come true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We spent our first day in Hokkaido skiing!

unfortunately the snow wasn't that great (as I had expected) as the temperature was exceptionally high over that period.

(Felt like ice-skating.......!)

But at least I have experienced something I have never even thought of before.....

going down hill with ice (now snow!) hitting on my face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

( >o< )

The next day Stephanie took us to a few lakes!

Although the first day of our skiing didn't went too well, we did have a second chance!

Unfortunately....... the snow was even worse..... lucky that we came back alive....

Haha, but at least I took some good pictures!

The next day as Stephanie need to work so we decided to go to Zoo ourselves!

Really worthwhile!

Of course, we leave the best part for the last day of the trip! We went to the seafood market!

Haha, and of course, after all, it was really great to be able to meet up with Stephanie again! She cooked a meal for us!!!!!!!

It really did give me a break when I really needed one!

Monday, March 19, 2007

堅牢な守り - Stay on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Over the last 2 months, I had a big struggle - with God.

I had been repeating the same question again and again -

"What had I done wrong so that I have to go through all these troubles? I had been following the way you showed me, and I ended up like this!"

Although deep in my heart, I knew all these happened because God wants me to have a change -- for a good reason. Nevertheless, I just could not accept it and I even started to hide away from God.

Last night I had a chance to talk to Jenny 導師 as she wanted to follow up on my status regarding the potential STM to Macau. I told her my true status and I shared my feelings with her.

The suggestion she gave me is - go back to the bible, and talk to God!

I did feel a lot more relieved after talking to her, and when I got home after the committee meeting, I decided to pick up the bible again and start from where I stopped on my "bible reading schedule".

The following is what I read:

你 們 就 是 為 義 受 苦 、 也 是 有 福 的 . 不 要 怕 人 的 威 嚇 、 也 不 要 驚 慌 只 要 心 裡 尊 主 基 督 為 聖 . 有 人 問 你 們 心 中 盼 望 的 緣 由 、 就 要 常 作 準 備 、 以 溫 柔 敬 畏 的 心 回 答 各 人 ...
神 的 旨 意 若 是 叫 你 們 因 行 善 受 苦 、 總 強 如 因 行 惡 受 苦 。

基 督 既 在 肉 身 受 苦 、 你 們 也 當 將 這 樣 的 心 志 作 為 兵 器 . 因 為 在 肉 身 受 過 苦 的 、 就 已 經 與 罪 斷 絕 了 .
你 們 存 這 樣 的 心 、 從 今 以 後 、 就 可 以 不 從 人 的 情 慾 、 只 從   神 的 旨 意
、 在 世 度 餘 下 的 光 陰 。 (extract from 彼 得 前 書)

What can I say?! God really knows my heart..........

The verses are not only the answers to my questions - but also a promise and grace!

Time to add oil again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

{Y( ...^O^...)Y}<-----burning!!!!!


Friday, March 16, 2007

かつての栄光 - RSSP Team!

Really such a long time since I last post something here.....

In order to let all of you know I am still alive, I better post something here....

My V-Show Dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha, take a look when you have time (or even if you don't have time....)

That is the Riki at the perfect age of 21, fit and young......

( ...^o^...)v