Monday, July 31, 2006

シャッフル同盟 - Team Support!!!!!!!

Just had an excellent weekend!!!

Due to work+busy+personal problems, I had been having a very stressful time over the last few months - but what makes things worse is I got further and further away from God....

On Sunday, we had a re-union for a retreat camp that we (fellowship committee+cell leaders) went to in earlier this year.

During this "re-union", we were able to sit down and had some quality sharing time!we had found that many of us were all having similar problems....

Through sharing with them, I "picked up" the fire that I had at the beginning of the year!!! The fire was once put off through over-confidence, hurts, unfavourable working/serving environments, etc. Through sharing with them, once again I felt God is actually so close to us and we were not alone - and time for us to get up again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Saint Seiya橋段?!?!)

All I can say is - how amazing that was! We had tried to arrange a gathering for committee and cell leaders, but everyone were too busy so the gatherings had been cancelled twice! And now - God arranged one for us!!!

I really thank God for giving me the opportunity to serve with such an amazing team!

Y( ;^o^; )Y

Sunday, July 30, 2006

不屈の信念 - time to rely on God again!!!!

為 這 事 、 我 三 次 求 過 主 、 叫 這 刺 離 開 我
他 對 我 說 、 我 的 恩 典 夠 你 用 的 . 因 為 我 的 能 力 、 是 在 人 的 軟 弱 上 顯 得 完 全 . 所 以 我 更 喜 歡 誇 自 己 的 軟 弱 、 好 叫 基 督 的 能 力 覆 庇 我
歌 林 多 後 書 2 Corinthians 12:8-9

I had been going through some difficult time over the last few months - both at work and to sort out my personal problems.

I had asked God to sort out my problems - and the answer was NO - God didn't give me what I wanted.

I was very touched when I read the above verses - when Paul had a 刺 in his life that he wanted God to take away for him, he got the same reply from God. He only realised later that this 刺 was there to help him not to over-estimate himself, and more importantly, to reply on God more!

Although there may be difficulties in life, I know that's the opportunities for me to learn relying on God more - not to rely on my own ability anymore!

Want to share a song with you:




Let us always praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Y( ^o^ )Y

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

宝物没収 - Treasure Hunting Part II (The-O Resin Kit!!)


The other thing I found in yahoo auction is this The-O (fat robot...?) resin kit!

I had actually seen this resin kit before in yahoo auction - and I left a bid price and forgot to watch it till the end.... and some else won the bid..... ( ;>_< )

I was so excited when I saw it again 3 days ago! And learning from my mistake - this time I watched over it till the end!!!!

When there is something that we treasure - don't forget to put in some extra effort!

( ^u^ )v


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

宝物没収 - Treasure Hunting Part I (Gold Saint Puzzle!)

I am very very happy today!!!!!

Just bought 2 things from Yahoo auction!!!!

For the people who know me well, they all know I am a Saint Seiya Fans!

Can't believe I actually managed to find this 水晶砌圖 (puzzle) in HK!

This is definitely one of my favourite collections!

Haha, guess why????

( ^_^* )

(Let me know if you can figure out the reason - I will buy you a meal!)


Sunday, July 23, 2006

エースの奮闘 - P.U.S.H.

Not sure if anyone has ever had doubts in God - especially when your questions/prayers were not answered.

I was sharing with one of my VIPs on Saturday that sometimes I really felt exhausted - and I was running out of faith and determination in seeking God's will - as there were a few points in my life that God seems to lead me to a dead end, and making things worse - HE stopped giving me any further guidance!!! I just felt abandoned!!!!!!!

Then, believe it or not.... On Saturday, I actually got a lovely birthday present from two of my old cell members (hehe, thanks!), and there was a little card about a "Internet forward story"......

Once upon a time, God asked a guy to try his best to push a stone, and the guy found a stone outside his house.

The guy took off his shirt and started pushing - and after a few hours pushing, it was still there - without moving an inch!

He took a rest and started doing it again the next day.... Day after day....

The stone was still there - without moving....

He started to get disappointed - "why should I waste my time and effort pushing this stone? I know I can never move it!"

He asked God - "I have done exactly what you have told me to do - push the stone with all my strength - but the stone didn't move. What had I done wrong?"

God tells him, "My dear son, I only asked you to push this stone, didn't ask you to move the stone. You have grown much stronger through pushing the stone, and more importantly, you have learnt to have faith in me."


Throught out my life, I always try to interpret what God has planned for me - which is not the real faith and obedience. No matter what the situations are, we should simply have faith and P.U.S.H.!

When we cannot see where we are going in our career, let us P.U.S.H.!

When we feel that we got abandoned and on our own, all we need to do is P.U.S.H.!

When our beloved ones and families are unwilling to accept the Love from God, don't forget to P.U.S.H.!

P.U.S.H. - Pray Until Something Happened!!!!!!!

Let us always pray and have faith in God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y( ^o^ )Y

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Read a meaningful article today - worth all of us to have some thoughts on:

基 甸 對 神 說 、 你 若 果 照 著 所 說 的 話 、 藉 我 手 拯 救 以 色 列 人 、我 就 把 一 團 羊 毛 放 在 禾 場 上 、 若 單 是 羊 毛 上 有 露 水 、 別 的 地 方 都 是 乾 的 、 我 就 知 道 你 必 照 著 所 說 的 話 、 藉 我 手 拯 救 以 色 列 人 。

士 師 記6:36-37





Which stage are you in? Can we have the real FAITH in God when things are going against us?


Let us add oil together!!!!!!

( ^_^ )v

Monday, July 17, 2006

失われた日々 - to my VIPs!

I took half day off this morning - as I went to 送機 for 2 of the VIPs in my life.

It was really great to be able to say goodbye to them face-by-face before they went off!

When I was on my way back to the office, I got a call from another VIP in my life - my honourable cell leader!

She was calling to confirm the "last meal" before she leaves HK for good.....

These 3 VIPs can actually represents the 3 important stages over my last 10 years...

During the 1 hour in the airbus, a lot of memories freshed back in my mind - the good old times when I was being look after when I was in UK..... how you all had helped me in settling down in HK...... and how I was cheered up and supported when I found it hard to get up again in the difficult.....

I just want to say thanks to all my VIPs again (haha, you all know who you are!....) - and here is a song as a gift from me!

曾經 踏遍路途千萬里
途中 跌倒過 攀不起無助的心感困累 全然交瘁

徬徨中 遇見熱誠的膀臂
人潮中 碰到你 多驚喜
前路即使千尺浪 得你在身旁
縱使呼呼風雨 仍覺甚美

來日禍困迎面 滿途挑戰
能贈我勇氣 完全是你

Thanks to you all again - and let us keep in touch and not letting distance to pull us apart!

( ^u^; )y

Thursday, July 13, 2006

後方支援 - Support from around!

God gave me a very interesting message last night in the prayer meeting:

那 時 亞 瑪 力 人 來 在 利 非 訂 、 和 以 色 列 人 爭 戰 。
摩 西 對 約 書 亞 說 、 你 為 我 們 選 出 人 來 、 出 去 和 亞 瑪 力 人 爭 戰 . 明 天 我 手 裡 要 拿 著   神 的 杖 、 站 在 山 頂 上 。
於 是 約 書 亞 照 著 摩 西 對 他 所 說 的 話 行 、 和 亞 瑪 力 人 爭 戰 . 摩 西 、 亞 倫 、 與 戶 珥 、 都 上 了 山 頂 。
摩 西 何 時 舉 手 、 以 色 列 人 就 得 勝 、 何 時 垂 手 、 亞 瑪 力 人 就 得 勝 。
但 摩 西 的 手 發 沉 、 他 們 就 搬 石 頭 來 、 放 在 他 以 下 、 他 就 坐 在 上 面 . 亞 倫 與 戶 珥 扶 著 他 的 手 、 一 個 在 這 邊 、 一 個 在 那 邊 、 他 的 手 就 穩 住 、 直 到 日 落 的 時 候 。
出 埃 及 記17:8-9

This is very interesting - as I realised I am a very strong person when I have friends/teammates/partners around! And I can easily be pulled away from God when I am on my own, just like this card:



With teammates around, Scirocco becomes immovable!

Just want to take this chance to thank the people who walked with me through all these years, and your backup and prayer support really saved me many times from being pulled away!!!!

m( ^o^ )m

Friday, July 07, 2006

Special Post 3...... (some graphics of Saga and Scirocco)

Haha, my best brother has produced a longer version for the movie I posted a few days ago....

For the ones who wants to know how Saga and Scirocco looks like, please do feel free to take a look!!!!!!!!

Haha, I really love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Y( ^O^ )Y


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

愛は光の果てに - Miracles of LOVE

I heard a very interesting comment when I was talking to one of my best friends a few days ago:

( >_< ): I have always been a bad guy....

q( ^_^ )p: You was a bad guy because you didn't receive Love when you most needed it. When you have experienced Love, you CANNOT be a bad guy again!

When I look back, both at myself and at the people I know - I realise this is actually very true. That is in fact exactly why we can always see changes in many lives after they understand the LOVE OF GOD.

We see examples of criminals and cruel people having completely new lives....

How this all becomes possible - THE LOVE OF GOD!!

As usual, the answer is always in the bible!

我 們 愛 、 因 為   神 先 愛 我 們 。
We love him, because he first loved us.

約 翰 一 書 1 John 4:19

God is really great!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Gundam War Competition (Special Post!!)

Haha, just want to share with everyone that I got the fourth place in the competition today!!!

Although it is only a small competition and I only got the "fourth place", it does mean quite a lot to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y( ^O^ )Y