真実を識る者 - Teaching in Ecclesiastes

Today is my 28th Birthday.....
I looked back of what I have done over these 28 years... I had spent my time and effort on my studying, to build up my status and reputation at work & amongst my friends, I had tried to maintain my relationship and to secure my future.....
Believe it or not, that is what I read from the bible last night:
後 來 我 察 看 我 手 所 經 營 的 一 切 事 、 和 我 勞 碌 所 成 的 功 . 誰 知 都 是 虛 空 、 都 是 捕 風 、 在 日 光 之 下 毫 無 益 處 。
Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that I had laboured to do: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 2:11
Almost a straight conclusion of my first 28 years? ( >_< )
Haha, don't take me wrong, I am not upset at all - it is always good to discover the problem at an early (?!....) stage!
When I read on, God gave me this verse as my birthday present, which I would like to share with you all...
他 不 多 思 念 自 己 一 生 的 年 日 . 因 為 神 應 他 的 心 使 他 喜 樂 。
( ^_^ )
It is more important to live a meaningful life!
Let us always live with joy!
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