Thursday, August 24, 2006

降りかかる災厄 vs 奇跡の降下

倘 若 你 們 說 、 我 們 不 住 在 這 地 、 以 致 不 聽 從 耶 和 華 你 們   神 的 話 、 說 、 我 們 不 住 這 地 、 卻 要 進 入 埃 及 地 、 在 那 裡 看 不 見 爭 戰 、 聽 不 見 角 聲 、 也 不 至 無 食 飢 餓 . 我 們 必 住 在 那 裡 ...

凡 定 意 要 進 入 埃 及 在 那 裡 寄 居 的 、 必 遭 刀 劍 、 飢 荒 、 瘟 疫 而 死 、 無 一 人 存 留 、 逃 脫 我 所 降 與 他 們 的 災 禍 。

耶 利 米 書 42:14-17

I was really amazed by the stupidity (sorry for using this term....) of Israeli when I was reading that last night - it took them so much effort to leave Egyst at the begining, and how stupid that is they decided to head back!!!!!

Then I realised that is a reminder for me........

To start with...... let me tell you a story......

Once upon a time, there was a fat tree (!?) in the forest. He always thought with his fat trunk and long branches, he could never be damaged, and he could even become a shelter for everyone in the forest....

The fat tree was very proud of its strength and his power in protecting the others... but one day.... the forest was on fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This fat tree was surprised by the fire - and felt completely powerless against it!

He could not protect anyone against this fire, and he could not even save himself from the fire!

Just when this fat tree gave up hope in living, suddenly it started raining..... and the fire was put off completely.....

Sometimes it took us such a long time and so much pain to have a change in life - but when we face new challenges, it is so easy that we want to rely on our old "shelter" again - even though we know it's wrong!

A few weeks ago, the fat tree was almost about to rely on its "ability" again....... then luckily (?!) it got sick and became powerless once again......!

Hehe, all I want to say is - God is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!

d( ^O^ )b

Monday, August 21, 2006

靈修小貼士 (Special Post)

Haha, read something from the book called "新生命 新生活" which I think is quite useful share with you all....

Many people (including me) sometimes find it hard to keep a good devotion life.... the book gives us some suggestions by quoting the bible!

1. Why do we need to have a regular devotion?!?!

那 試 探 人 的 進 前 來 、 對 他 說 、 你 若 是   神 的 兒 子 、 可 以 吩 咐 這 些 石 頭 變 成 食 物 。
耶 穌 卻 回 答 說 、 經 上 記 著 說 、 『 人 活 著 、 不 是 單 靠 食 物 、 乃 是 靠   神 口 裡 所 出 的 一 切 話 。 』
馬 太 福 音 4:3-4

Devotion is really like breathing and eating for our spiritual lives!

不 從 惡 人 的 計 謀 、 不 站 罪 人 的 道 路 、 不 坐 褻 慢 人 的 座 位 、 惟 喜 愛 耶 和 華 的 律 法 、 晝 夜 思 想 、 這 人 便 為 有 福 。

And it helps us when we face challenges, 試 探 and 攻擊!

( ^o^ )b

2. When and Where to have devotion?

耶 穌 的 選 擇:
次 日 早 晨 、 天 未 亮 的 時 候 、 耶 穌 起 來 、 到 曠 野 地 方 去 、 在 那 裡 禱 告 。

亞 伯 拉 罕 的 選 擇:
亞 伯 拉 罕 清 早 起 來 、 到 了 他 從 前 站 在 耶 和 華 面 前 的 地 方

Morning is always a good choice - as you will not be too tired or occupied by other "business", and nothing could be better than starting your day with God!

(although having a "regular" devotion time at other time of the day would not be bad!)

地點 is certainly important - somewhere that you won't be disturbed would be great! It would be even better if you can have a "prayer corner" - somewhere you can easily have your focus on God!

3. Benefits of Devotion

他 要 像 一 棵 樹 栽 在 溪 水 旁 、 按 時 候 結 果 子 、 葉 子 也 不 枯 乾 . 凡 他 所 作 的 、 盡 都 順 利 。

( ^o^ )v

Let us all add oil together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

絶望の中の希望 - Never Give Up!!

After 1 week - God gave me an answer to my problems (please refer to my message "仮面の下 - The Hidden Part"):

耶 和 華 說 、 我 知 道 我 向 你 們 所 懷 的 意 念 、 是 賜 平 安 的 意 念 、 不 是 降 災 禍 的 意 念 、 要 叫 你 們 末 後 有 指 望 。
你 們 要 呼 求 我 、 禱 告 我 、 我 就 應 允 你 們 。
你 們 尋 求 我 、 若 專 心 尋 求 我 、 就 必 尋 見 。
耶 利 米 書 29:11-13

God is really great - of course all my problems are still there (if not worse), but God reminds me that HE knows best what I need, and I should trust HIM that everything that happens for a reason - For a GOOD reason!

This reminds me of a lovely song!




( ^_^ )

Thursday, August 17, 2006

親子の対面 - McDull vs McTai

Just got this picture from my dearest Honourable Cell leader....

Haha, can't stop myself from posting it here!!!

Mum, I hope you don't mind!!!!

And for the guys who wants my mum's number - it is 9993-2864!

....................Y( *^0^ )Y<-------flee away!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

仮面の下 - The Hidden Part

I have been having some tough time recently - and last night I reached my "臨界點" ......

Then I said to myself, "Let's find someone to talk to......."

The next question was, "Who should I call?"

And surprisingly, after 10 mins thinking, only 2 people came up in my mind.....

I guess these days I don't really open up myself much....?

Haha, anyway, as usual, the teachings in the bible is always true....

喜 樂 的 心 、 乃 是 良 藥 . 憂 傷 的 靈 、 使 骨 枯 乾 。
箴 言 Proverbs 17:22

So my dear friends - remember to have a joyful heart! OK?!?!
( ^o^ )

Thursday, August 10, 2006

破壊からの再生 - Stand Up again!

Read something quite meaningful last night!

陶 匠 用 泥 作 的 器 皿 、 在 他 手 中 做 壞 了 、 他 又 用 這 泥 另 作 別 的 器 皿 . 陶 匠 看 怎 樣 好 、 就 怎 樣 作 。
耶 利 米 書 Jeremiah 18:4

That is actually one of the first message I got in church when I first started my church life in UK.

God being the creator, knows best how to use the clay in the best way. Although sometimes we disappoint him (做 壞 了 is really an interesting term...) because of our sin and disobedience, HE never gives up on us!

HE always accepts us and re-mold us again!!!!!!!

Haha, would like to share this (old?) song with you all...



Only a changed life can change a life!!!!

Let us all add oil!!!!!!
Y( ^O^ )Y

Monday, August 07, 2006

結婚式 - The Dream Wedding

Although it has been almost 3 months from the wedding in Bali (not mine of course!), as I got the CD of the photos recently, I guess it is worth posting some of the pics here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I could have never imagined this could actually happened in real life - the scenes I thought it could only happen in movies (if not animations!)

On top of the beautiful scenes - it was also full of fun! We were advised to have our swimming trucks and bikini's ready for the banquet. Somehow not everyone was following the rule......

That is really one of the classic pic!

Imagine what happened to these people 1 secs after the pic was taken?!?!?!
( ^0^ )

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

水際の戦い - The Typhoon gathering!!!!

Typhoon signal was up and it was raining heavily outside after lunch.

Everybody in the office were having a discussion on what will happen if signal 8 is hosted!

That reminds me what happened 5 years ago......

A group of young people (?!) were sitting besides their computer playing ICQ - they were enjoying the morning off (because of signal 8)....

Their discussion topic was..... "are we going to have the afternoon off if the signal 8 can last until 12pm!"

Suddenly, someone came up with a crazy idea:

"How about going to Quarry Bay Park to watch the waves together if we have the afternon off?"

Hey, hold on..... who took the pictures & movies on that day?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I want a copy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y( >O< )Y

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

方針転換 - who is the BOSS?

A very good message from the reading of the book "Experiencing God" yesterday:

God NEVER asks us to dream of what we can do for HIM - we should not have our own plans and then ask God to help us in accomplishing them!

That actually co-incided with what I read from the bible 2 days ago!

耶 和 華 說 、 我 的 意 念 、 非 同 你 們 的 意 念 、 我 的 道 路 、 非 同 你 們 的 道 路 。
天 怎 樣 高 過 地 、 照 樣 我 的 道 路 、 高 過 你 們 的 道 路 、
我 的 意 念 、 高 過 你 們 的 意 念 。

以 賽 亞 書 Isaiah 55:8-9

The Real Obedience is - we can have some quiet time and wait patiently, until the time God tells us what to do; and be alert in what God is doing around us - and we join in and being part of HIS work.

It just came at the time when I needed to start thinking about my serving next year! Such a good reminder!

"Understand what God is about to do where you are is more important than telling God what you want to do for HIM"

Time for a change!!
( ^_^ )v