Wednesday, August 02, 2006

水際の戦い - The Typhoon gathering!!!!

Typhoon signal was up and it was raining heavily outside after lunch.

Everybody in the office were having a discussion on what will happen if signal 8 is hosted!

That reminds me what happened 5 years ago......

A group of young people (?!) were sitting besides their computer playing ICQ - they were enjoying the morning off (because of signal 8)....

Their discussion topic was..... "are we going to have the afternoon off if the signal 8 can last until 12pm!"

Suddenly, someone came up with a crazy idea:

"How about going to Quarry Bay Park to watch the waves together if we have the afternon off?"

Hey, hold on..... who took the pictures & movies on that day?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I want a copy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y( >O< )Y


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