Wednesday, September 17, 2008

惡夢の再臨 - the 3rd Nightmare

While I was writing this article, the share price of AIG stock fell to US$2.

Although FED has announced that they will inject US$85 billion into AIG and it will not go bankrupt now, we can foresee the company is going to go through a lot of changes over the next few months.




我人生的第一份工作已經是動盪不斷 - Enron 醜聞引致當年五大會計師樓一夜間變成 Big 4。而我的公司也誠傳有可能步 AA 的後塵。
幸好最後証實只是虛驚一場。 (老實說 PKMG 的作風還是比較保守和穩健的)

但在第一年工作便遇上911,接著又有「沙士」... 好像從來沒有一天可以放心只顧工作。

幾年後,好不容易轉到一間很有名氣的投資銀行的子公司工作。 工作時間合理,跟老闆也很夾得來。 沒想到工作兩年後公司竟被母公司賣掉!

直到去年從澳門回來,開始了在 AIG 的工作,總算是再一次穩定下來 - 無論工作時間,部門同事到工作性質都很理想,老闆也很満意我的表現 - 我想:「這一次也許可以停下來過一些穩定的日子吧!」



Saturday, September 06, 2008

過去との決別 - a Different Stage


Honestly it was a big surprise to everyone! We couldn't believe he could make it!




第一次到Azure - 老實說地方真的不錯,特別是它有一個露台可以一覽中環的夜景!

但最有趣的,是我很深的感覺到-"I don't belong to this place anymore!"

看到一堆一堆半醉的人群在跟着背景音樂的拍子擺動着身體,我忍不住跟Sam說,"isn't that exactly how we were like ten years ago?"

Sam 答得很有意思 - "D 人 so 無聊,all the guys just want to "cult lui"... Really a waste of time..."

But isn't that a perfect reflection of the change in stage of life for us? We have not been to these places for 2 years - Sam has a family to take care of (lovely Alisa!), not mentioning a business to run at the same time; Victor had spent his time completing his MBA; and I have been spending my weekends in Macau. We just don't have the luxury anymore - we have more important priorities in our lives!

I guess we just have to admit we are getting old! But at the same time I thank God for moulding my life!