"生命の代価" - PROLOGUE of Saga Testamony Trilogy

There have been quite a few people asking me why I have changed the name to Saga...
I think it would be a good idea to share this in my blog!
I will write this up as a Trilogy - which will be coming up soon!
Let's start with some background about Saga for the ones who have never seen 聖鬥士星矢 before....
薩卡擁有極端的雙重人格,因為受雙重性格的影響,他殺害前任教皇,甚至對年幼的女神也不放過,他的野心(邪惡的內心),不單由自己取而代之統治聖域,更希望統治全世界和聖鬥士,但是被人馬座黃金聖鬥士艾奧羅斯揭穿他的惡行,他便下追殺令以及令他背負反叛聖域之罪名…… (Episode I)
最後被星矢等人的努力下和得到女神的寬恕,撒加的心魔得到解脫,重新做回雅典娜的聖鬥士 (Episode II)
冥王篇中,他再次出場,但他所穿的並非黃金聖衣,而是由冥界寶石造成的雙子座冥衣.連同卡妙,修羅,薜安等人受冥王之名取沙織性命.可是,他們眾人的目的並非如此…… (Episode III)
One Episode per month from November onwards!!!!!!
Looking forward to reading your unfinished story
hehe, sorry for the delay.....
I have drafted them but never have time to finish.....
I had a read on your today, really good ah!!!
So bad I have been lazy on mine....
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