デスノート vs Bible (前章)

Eventually I have started my reading on the Death Note (死亡筆記).
The comics started with a very gifted student called 夜神月 picking up a notebook. Any persons with the names being written on the notebook will die in accordance with what's written there.
夜神月 started with a heart of Justice - he wrote down the names of criminals - he wanted to take the role of God to "punish" criminals, and to "discourage" everyone from wrong doings, thus, creating a crimeless world:
I was thrilled out when I read what 夜神月 thinks - not because he's crazy - because once upon a time I know a guy like this!
This guy had been very lazy in reading the bible, otherwise he should have known what God thinks in the Bible!
主 耶 和 華 說 、 我 指 著 我 的 永 生 起 誓 、 我 斷 不 喜 悅 惡 人 死 亡 . 惟 喜 悅 惡 人 轉 離 所 行 的 道 而 活 .
以 西 結 書 Ezekiel 33:18-19
God in fact loves all of us - HE wants to give us chances and see us 回 轉!
HE does not mind what we had done wrong in our lives - HE is always here to accept us!
God is so good!
( ^_^ ) b
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