Tuesday, September 18, 2007

月の支援者 vs 孤立無援

Hehe, really happy last week! As got a lot brothers and sisters coming from HK! Not only they had bought me books, mooncakes, accounting notes (!??!?!) and 阿嫂靚湯 (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks X10000000 for Benson and Yingzi!), more importantly they bought me a lot of support! We can share together, pray together - when I see them I do feel the Love of God!

I still remember my feelings during the first week in Macau - it wasn't easy at all - although everyone here were very nice to me, and I had full access to phone, internet and things, surprisingly I felt I was on my own and felt a bit 孤立無援.

It's very difficult to describe that feeling - but imagine you are now in a new environment, and all your family/close friends & 戰友 are not around. When there are difficulties or ups and downs, I really don't know who to share with, knowing there are already lots of work and pressures on the 同工 here, and I really don't want to add on their pressures.

I knew it was a lesson for me to pray more and leave my worries to God - but when I think again, it also helped me to understand the feelings of the missioners around the world - the feeling of lack of support sometimes.

Let us always keep the missioners in our prayers, and a card or a note to show your support would certainly be great (even if you don't know them in person)!

(p.s. for brothers and sisters in NPAC, there is a box collecting support cards for missioners in 康澤, may be you can take a look and pray for them next time while you are waiting for the others on the bench~!)


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